Bad Weather
The position adopted by the Local Authority is that the decision to close a school should be taken by the Headteacher based on local conditions with the health and safety of pupils and staff being the major consideration.
The Local Authority reserves the right to suspend school transport through discussion with transport contractors. Again this decision will be based on health and safety grounds.
Although the policy for all schools is to remain open whenever possible, the school has a duty to care for the safety of children and staff. The Headteacher, in consultation with the Local Authority, may decide to close the school in extreme weather if the weather conditions are so severe that it is dangerous for children and staff to travel safely to, or from, school.
Extreme weather conditions at start of the school day
The Headteacher will consult with transport operations before the start of the school day. If they judge that it will be a risk for transport, the school will close and parents will be contacted by text message as soon as possible informing them of the situation. A message will also be placed on the school answerphone.
Unless you are advised that the school is closed please ensure your child is sent to school as normal.
We will endeavour to inform parents of a school closure before 7.45 am.
Closure during the school day
If the weather deteriorates significantly during the day, the Headteacher and Transport Operations may decide to close the school close, to allow children and staff to return home safely. An official announcement will be made via text message.
A skeleton staff will be maintained on-site to supervise children awaiting collection. No child will be sent home early from school on transport until it has been confirmed that a parent or carer will be at home to receive the child.
There are other scenarios which could lead to a school closure e.g. fire, flood, failures of heating/water systems etc. and in this event, the same methods of informing parents would be followed.