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Russet House School

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All pupils at Russet House School have access to a broad, balanced and rich curriculum which meets his/ her individual needs.

As a community special school, in accordance with the law, pupils follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum or National Curriculum (NC) and are taught religious education. In addition, we recognise the importance of ensuring our pupils learn essential life skills so that they develop the independence they need to make progress towards adulthood. This includes creating opportunities for our pupils to generalise their knowledge and skills by using them in real-life situations. 

Social communication is at the heart of our curriculum and is intrinsic to all learning opportunities. All pupils also receive on-going teaching with relation to behaviour and managing their own emotions (self-regulation) within a Positive Behaviour Support framework. The other life skill areas our pupils learn are Practical Living, Personal Safety (including online safety rules embedded in the Computing curriculum), Personal Health and Self Care, Community Inclusion, Social Interaction and Relationships, and Learning to Learn.

Learning for life is integral to our curriculum and embedded within subject teaching through a topic-based approach. Pupils revisit the same topic twice during their time at the school to enable consolidation and extension relevant to their age and stage of development.  Maths and English are taught daily; Computing and Physical Education are taught at least weekly.


Russet House School Curriculum Diagram



Our full policy can be viewed here


Russet House School Curriculum

See below a summary of the topics and life-skills that will be the focus of pupils’ learning in each year group.  Please be aware that to best meet the needs of the children we sometimes have classes of mixed year groups; your child’s class teacher will be able to tell you which curriculum year they are following. 

Please click here for an overview of the school’s curriculum for every subject in each academic year.  

Although the curriculum is pre-planned, class staff have the flexibility to create opportunities for children’s individual interests to be explored and developed.  All learning will be individualised to meet the needs of every child and promote their progress.  As a result of this, classes in the same year group may approach the same topic in different ways. Please see your child’s class newsletter for more information about their learning this half term and the ways in which you can support this at home.

Further detail can be found in the Schemes of Work which are available on request.